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목록Extruder (3)
3D Printer List
Pricerange: $ 700.00 - 900.00 Max build-size: 20 x 20 x 22 cm Assembly time: 6-8 hours http://www.tobeca.fr/ https://github.com/pyroboynroses/Tobeca
Cartesian (xyz) printers
2015. 5. 29. 23:56
Pricerange: Max build-size: 16 x 19 12.5 cm Assembly time: hours http://buildyourcnc.com/whiteant3dprinterandcncmachine.aspxUSA
Cartesian (xyz) printers
2015. 5. 29. 23:44
Pricerange: $250.00 Assembly time: 6-8 hours http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:34653 http://www.makexyz.com/3D-designs?q=lyman+filament+extruder http://techland.time.com/2013/03/04/how-an-83-year-old-inventor-beat-the-high-cost-of-3d-printing/ The Lyman filament extruder II is an open source project available to all who wish to fabricate one and extrude their own filament for 3D printers. The Fab..
Recycling tools
2015. 5. 28. 18:03